Monday, October 22, 2012


We found out last Friday that one of our beloved patrons passed away from the c-word...cancer. I think we were all a little surprised by this because although we hadn't seen him in awhile, we didn't know that he was sick either. Whether or not you realize it, we do notice you. We notice when we haven't seen someone in awhile or placed a hold on a book for them.We notice if you're having a bad day. We notice.

But maybe the thing that we as librarians don't always realize or notice, is the impact that we have on your lives. Some days it's easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of the library that we are playing a part in your lives too. That this job impacts so many lives in so many ways. Never does this become more apparent than when we lose one of our patrons. I have been in the library field for 12 years now and have lost some very beloved patrons over the course of that time. Each time, I am reminded of the daily impact that I can have on someone's life. The role that I play, each day, in helping someone or sometimes just being a friendly smile. It is important. Sometimes more than I could ever know.

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." -Jackie Robinson