Anywho, onto more interesting subjects than my random odd obsessions...like cheap, nasty jelly beans...okay...I'm done...seriously...
I'm going to be attending the Public Library Association's National Conference in Minneapolis from March 26-29th. I'm super-duper excited about this!! You have no idea how much whining, groveling, nagging and begging was involved on my part in order to be able to go to this conference. I *literally* started begging to go to this conference over a year ago. No joke. Ask Jeaneal. I haven't shut up about it since I saw on the website that it was going to be in Minneapolis for 2008. Yeah, really excited about this one!
I mean, just think, there will be hundreds upon thousands of librarians from all over the country decending upon Minneapolis for this conference. Be afraid, be very afraid! Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Actually, in all reality, I'm just very excited to be able to network, attend workshops, and see vendors. It's going to be very cool and I'm sure ya'll are going to have to listen to me rave about it for the next 6 months. So get ready! I do want to send a shout out to our Friends group for their assistance in the registration fees. I'm very thankful!
Which reminds me, that is also the week that we will be laying down some new carpet in the library. (And me, the slacker, will get out of most of the work!) Because of the new carpet, we will be closed March 21-24 and March 31-April 1. We will be offering reduced services from March 25-30. These services are limited to: *check out of reserved items only, *returns, *Pre-printed tax forms only, *No juvenile programming or internet service. Please also keep in mind that Marion and Cedar Rapids will be offering full services during this time, so if you have a need that is urgent, don't hesitate to contact them for additional assistance. Finally, remember that you can return materials to any of the metro libraries as well as any of the Hy-Vee grocery stores in the Cedar Rapids area as well.
That's about it for now! Here's a re-cap for those of you who don't love me enough to read my entire post:
*I love ugly animals and cheap, nasty jelly beans
*I'm going to PLA in Minneapolis
*We are getting new carpet and will be closed for about a week
There you have it! Later tators!
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