whine [hwahyn, wahyn] whined, whin.ing, noun
1. to utter a low, usually nasal, complaining cry or sound, as from uneasiness, discontent, peevishness, etc.
2. to snivel or complain in a peevish, self-pitying way
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Holy programs, Batman!
Oh, so much to tell you all about! First off, we were fortunate enough to have our wonderful Hiawatha Firefighters out to our library last Saturday to give a fire safety demonstration. I have to give my sincerest thanks to Fire Chief Mike Nesslage for helping me to arrange and present this program. He and the guys did a fantastic job of presenting very important information to all (both kids and adults) who attended this program.
This program was part of a larger series of programs connected to our Linn Area Reads selection called Population 485: Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time by Michael Perry. The book chronicles the life of a volunteer firefighter/EMS service in a small town called New Auburn in Wisconsin. Perry also mixes his tales of heroic rescues with stories of small-town life. I can personally promise you that it is a read that you will definitely enjoy!
Our own Fire Chief, Mike Nesslage will again be participating in another Linn Area Reads event on April 28th at 7pm. This event will be an EMT/Firefighter panel at the Marion Public Library and will offer those attending the chance to hear about our local EMTs and firefighters and the jobs they do. They will also share their reflections on the book and how it relates to their everyday lives.
Finally, we will be having the author of Population 485, Michael Perry, visiting on May 15th at 2pm. This event will be held at Theatre Cedar Rapids and will be a chance to hear the author read from his work, as well as a book signing. Don't miss your chance to hear this wonderful author and humorist in person!
The OutLoud! Author Series is back! Hooray! This year brings a wide variety of authors with an even wider array of genres! Our first author this year is Allan Gurganus. He will be reading from his novel-in-progress The Erotic History of a Southern Baptist Church which is a companion to his classic Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All, which spent eight months atop the New York Times Bestseller List. Mr. Gurganus is also a graduate of the Iowa Writer's Workshop and is a visiting faculty member of the program for the 2010 spring semester. He will be presenting his work on Saturday, April 17th at 2pm at Theatre Cedar Rapids. This program is open to the public and there will be a book signing following his presentation. Again, don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to meet a fantastic author!
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