First some numbers:
33,832 is how many items we checked out in the month of June.
32,331 is how many items we checked out in the month of July.
66,163 is the grand total of items we checked out throughout the 2010 Summer Reading Program.
6,616 is roughly how many items each staff member checked out during the months of June and July.
806 is the new record to beat for the amount of people through our doors in a single day.

3 is the number of times I jammed the paper shredder while trying to shred all of the drawing slips from the Adult Summer Reading Program.
2 is the number of times my boss gave me a hard time about jamming the paper shredder.
1,443 is the number of reading logs that Alicia handed out for the Children's Adult Summer Reading Program.
57 is roughly the number of times we screamed when we opened the book drop and saw what was inside.

So what does all this equate to? One ridiculously busy and mad summer for us! But, we are truly fortunate to have so many people who love us enough to come visit for free stuff! You know who you are!
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