Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tax Season

Ah yes...that lovely time is upon us again...

No, not the beginning of spring or the blossoming of flowers...I'm not that optimistic!

No,'s tax season, baby! Yep. Tax season. It's kinda one of those things you either really hate, or you really love. You either get money or you don't. I generally don't mind tax season, except for one little see, we provide tax forms here at the library. Key word: provide. This does not mean that I know what they are for or what they mean. There is a good reason I pay for mine to be done. I am numerically challenged. I admit it. I'm okay with it. I've accepted the fact that I still need to count numbers above 10 using my fingers. It's all good. If I could kiss the guy who invented the calculator, I would!

But, this "challenge" of mine, also leads to an aversion of anything even remotely dealing with numbers...including tax forms. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to get on the IRS website to look up and print off a form that you may need. But don't ask me what the heck you need it for, or even if it's the right one...because I'm clueless. Clueless! And please, please don't get upset with me when I tell you that I have absolutely no idea what form your sister's, aunt's, grandfather's, cat's, cousin needs for a form. Trust me, I am thee last person you would want any kind of tax advice from! I can't even balance my checkbook...wait, I've never balanced my checkbook...see what I mean?! You don't want my tax advice!!

But if you do need help with your taxes, we have some wonderful gentlemen from the AARP that do taxes for free. You need to set up an appointment with them by dialing 211, which will connect you with the United Way and they will hook you up.

Again...we provide forms here at the library...but we are clueless as to what the heck they are for! Leave that to the professionals...again...not us!

Happy taxing!

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