I told you I'd be back with more!!
So...It's been a couple of days since I got back from PLA (The Public Library Association's National Conference in Minneapolis for those of you who don't follow along very well!). We're pretty much all moved back into the library after the big carpet re-do (even if we still can't find anything). Now, I *finally* have some time to reflect!
To say that the whole PLA experience was amazing would be doing it a great injustice. I honestly cannot put into words just what an incredible experience this conference was for me.
For one thing, it made me realize that many of the problems that we face as libraries here in the state of Iowa are actually faced by libraries all of the country. And as odd as it sounds, it's really quite a comforting thought. It's nice to be able to come together from all over the country and say "what can we do to change this?" or "what has worked for you?" Or sometimes it's just a simple, "oh, you had that problem too!" I loved being able to converse with other librarians about our similarities and our differences. In doing so, I realized how so very lucky I am to be a public librarian in Iowa. Our little state is quite progressive when it comes to recognizing the importance that our public libraries play in our communities. So you all should feel very fortunate that you're here with us too!
I attended many wonderful sessions while at the conference. One of my favorites was on safety and security at libraries. I know that many would think its ridiculous for libraries to need a session on safety and security. But what many don't realize is that we deal with *all* of the public. Key word: *all*. Almost every librarian I know has some sort of "war story" of a patron interaction gone bad. The guy who did this session was fantastic! He had been a security guard at a public library in North Carolina. He was blunt and to the point with his presentation, but downright hilarious too! One of my favorite lines from his session was actually something that his grandmother had told him as a little boy. She said, "Son, some people are just mean as hell...just like your granddaddy over there...just look at 'em!". What a hoot! He was actually discussing the different people that we meet throughout our days working at the library and in that case he was referring to those people that seem to always have a perpetual chip on their shoulder.
I also had the opportunity to see Nancy Pearl speak at a luncheon. For those of you unfamiliar with Nancy, she is the other of "Book Lust" and "Book Lust 2" as well as her newest addition to that family "Book Crush." She also happens to be the model for the Librarian Action Figure (complete with actual "shushing" motion!!). It truly was an honor to be able to see her speak. She was delightfully funny and also inspiring! For more info on Nancy check out her website at: http://www.nancypearl.com/
I did happen to get some down time away from the conference and was able to do some shopping (Helllooooo IKEA!), eat at some great restaurants, visit the Walker Contemporary Art Museum (meh...not a fan of modern art...but I went at the urging of friends), and the Minneapolis
Sculpture Garden. The picture to the left is Christina (Circulation Manager for CRPL) and I in front of the world famous "Spoon Bridge and Cherry." And yes, that is my leg around her...and no, there was no alcohol involved at this point in the evening! (I plead the fifth as to what happened later that evening! Ha!)
So, apart from getting lost in downtown Minneapolis multiple times (by multiple I mean at least twice, if not more everyday I was up there)...the entire experience of PLA was an amazing one. Amazing enough that I'm already firing up the whining, begging and groveling in hopes of being able to attend PLA in Portland, Oregon in 2010. Wish me luck!
To say that the whole PLA experience was amazing would be doing it a great injustice. I honestly cannot put into words just what an incredible experience this conference was for me.

I attended many wonderful sessions while at the conference. One of my favorites was on safety and security at libraries. I know that many would think its ridiculous for libraries to need a session on safety and security. But what many don't realize is that we deal with *all* of the public. Key word: *all*. Almost every librarian I know has some sort of "war story" of a patron interaction gone bad. The guy who did this session was fantastic! He had been a security guard at a public library in North Carolina. He was blunt and to the point with his presentation, but downright hilarious too! One of my favorite lines from his session was actually something that his grandmother had told him as a little boy. She said, "Son, some people are just mean as hell...just like your granddaddy over there...just look at 'em!". What a hoot! He was actually discussing the different people that we meet throughout our days working at the library and in that case he was referring to those people that seem to always have a perpetual chip on their shoulder.
I also had the opportunity to see Nancy Pearl speak at a luncheon. For those of you unfamiliar with Nancy, she is the other of "Book Lust" and "Book Lust 2" as well as her newest addition to that family "Book Crush." She also happens to be the model for the Librarian Action Figure (complete with actual "shushing" motion!!). It truly was an honor to be able to see her speak. She was delightfully funny and also inspiring! For more info on Nancy check out her website at: http://www.nancypearl.com/
I did happen to get some down time away from the conference and was able to do some shopping (Helllooooo IKEA!), eat at some great restaurants, visit the Walker Contemporary Art Museum (meh...not a fan of modern art...but I went at the urging of friends), and the Minneapolis

So, apart from getting lost in downtown Minneapolis multiple times (by multiple I mean at least twice, if not more everyday I was up there)...the entire experience of PLA was an amazing one. Amazing enough that I'm already firing up the whining, begging and groveling in hopes of being able to attend PLA in Portland, Oregon in 2010. Wish me luck!
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