Thursday, July 17, 2008

Those hazy, crazy, days of summer!

Did summer finally come in with a bang, or what? I'm not sure about the rest of you...but I'm not a big fan of the summer heat and humidity that we get here in Iowa. It's just so...sticky. Ick.

Ah yes, but with summer comes the onslot of summer reading programs here at the library. We have done quite well here for participants this summer, all things considered. We have certainly seen an increase in circulation and in patron visits since the flooding. I'm not entirely sure if that's translated to more people participating in our summer reading programs or not. But hey, we're just excited to be helping out our fellow libraries in any way we can.

Speaking of fellow libraries, we have been fortunate enough to have the company of several staff members from the downtown library out here working. We have also become like a second home to our LSA office associates and librarians as well. So needless to say, we've been a bit crowded here. It's a little difficult with our regular staff not to be stepping all over each other in our mean, workroom. So add a few more to the mix...and well...we just might be going out on the road with a routine!

But the reality of it is that we could not have possibly been able to make it through the last month without them here. They have been a wonderful addition to our staff and have been a joy to work with. So a big thanks to all the staff from CRPL who have been out here helping us...we really appreciate it!

In closing, we are coming upon the end of our summer reading programs...but we still have some great programs planned. Also, don't forget that John Sanford will be here on Tuesday, July 22nd at 7pm at Washington High School!

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